Monday, April 23, 2012

Shaolin soccer

dicukur kepalanya oleh embah bidan after disunatkan. Ye! Amani dah sunat :D

YAAAA. melalak sudah. sedih agaknya hilang rambut lebat. sobsss

Huiiyo saya mcm shaolin soccer sudah. hihi

Lenanya tidooo. Ni after nanges yang panjang lepas dicukur ye. Bukan terus tido aman damai lepas albotak rambutnya

Alololoo. Comel tak baju pink purple saya? ;D ayah yang belikn :)

uiii sedapnya saya tido didukung kakak saya! :) hihi

hatiku berkata: Begitulah kisah Amani yang sudah botak 

my style

style si gadis ayu

huuu like a boss style

 hilang style. sudah kena ikatlaaaa. haha

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Poor Amani

Amani is having jaundice after a week of her birth. My mom and dad brought her to Hospital Tg Karang just to make sure that it wasn't really bad lah kan. The nurse took her blood to count the bilirubin in the blood and measure the level/ stage of the jaundice.  Thank God it's not that high so she's not warded. 

Alolo kesian Amani kan. Worst, nurse tu mcm tak pandai ambik darah plak. 3 kali tau dia cucuk! That's why Amani cried out loud. Selalunya dia tak nanges kuat pun. Haiyoo nurse, jgn la ini mcm.

But then, it's ok la to see her sleep and not crying anymore :) 
Oh btw, her full name is Nurin Fatini Amani and we call her Amani :) (cita-citaku/ perlindunganku/ ketenanganku) Hope she'll grow up well with the nice name given by ayah and mama :)